Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 18, 2012

What an awesome God we serve!   Another great meeting and lots of items worked on and 4 new items brought in finished. 
There were eight ladies in attendance this month and we sure missed Jane, Brenda, Ella and Peggy.   Peggy's surgery was a great success, PTL!   Hopefully she will join us next month on September 8th.  We have such fun just talking, can't you tell?

Anna and Dana were still working away on there knitting,
 Jeanette, Trudie and Barbara were crocheting,

 and Doris and Judy put together 4 more lapquilts.

Judy also brought in a completed quilt and took home some neck pillows to sew.

Speaking of neck pillows, Dena (Doris' neighbor) is piling up the neck pillows at her house.   She has close to 50 of them completed.  Please remember her husband, Gerald in prayer as he recovers from surgery.
We had a surprise visit from Brother Garry looking cute in shorts!    He also suggested we visit and deliver to our church shut ins.   Judy is going to get a list together for us.   We do not want to forget our own church family!

Nancy suggested we begin thinking about the Christmas packages to make for the nursing homes containing socks, toothpaste, shampoo, soap etc in fabric bags that we could make.   Also, Jeanette took the girl scout troop to Trinity Mission Nursing Home where they delivered lapghans and quilts to some residents there.   She gave the manager some adult bibs to hand out and he told her how much they really can use those.
She is going to share some of the pictures from their visit so I will post them as soon as I get them.   Jeanette was touched to find we have such a needy nursing home in our area.  This home is not for the affluent, as a general rule.   They need our love and the comfort we can provide, for sure.    Please give some consideration to whether you can be a part of the delivery team and speak to Jeanette.  Doris also delivered some baby quilts and blankets to Huguley Hospital for the parents of newborns who cannot afford such things. 

May God bless you all for doing this for those less fortunate.   You are a blessing to them and to me.